chanioldbbw| 我国已记录有660多种外来入侵物种 面对外来物种入侵我们该如何应对?

来源: 新华社
2024-04-16 12:34:24

ChanioLDBBW: Embracing Body Positivity and Breaking Stereotypes


In today's world, where unrealistic beauty standards dominate the media and social platforms, it is refreshing to find a platform like ChanioLDBBW that promotes body positivity and embraces all body types. ChanioLDBBW is an online community that celebrates and empowers plus-sized individuals, challenging stereotypes and biases. This article will explore the mission and impact of ChanioLDBBW, focusing on three key aspects: promoting self-love, embracing diversity, and fostering inclusivity.

Promoting Self-Love:

One of the core principles of ChanioLDBBW is promoting self-love among its members. In a society that often equates beauty with being thin, it can be challenging for plus-sized individuals to feel confident and accept themselves as they are. However, ChanioLDBBW aims to change this narrative. Through various online platforms such as their website, social media channels, and forums, they encourage members to love and appreciate their bodies regardless of size or shape.

The platform achieves this by delivering empowering messages, sharing personal stories of self-acceptance, and providing resources on body positivity. Users can find articles, blogs, and videos that highlight the journey towards self-love, offering inspiration and guidance. ChanioLDBBW also hosts workshops and events focused on boosting confidence and self-esteem, creating a supportive environment where members can interact and engage with one another.

Embracing Diversity:

One of the standout features of ChanioLDBBW is its commitment to embracing diversity. The platform recognizes that there is beauty in every body type and actively works to amplify voices often overlooked in mainstream media. By featuring models of various sizes, ethnicities, and backgrounds, ChanioLDBBW showcases the true diversity of beauty that exists in the real world.

Through photoshoots, fashion shows, and brand collaborations, ChanioLDBBW challenges the stereotype that beauty comes in only one size. They partner with clothing brands to showcase plus-sized fashion, encouraging designers to cater to a wider range of body types. By doing so, they empower individuals to embrace their uniqueness and inspire others to do the same.

Fostering Inclusivity:

Inclusivity lies at the heart of ChanioLDBBW's mission. Their community is open to anyone who supports the cause, regardless of size, gender, or background. They aim to create a space where people can connect, share experiences, and support one another. ChanioLDBBW holds regular meet-ups, both online and in-person, where members can engage in dialogues, share stories, and find a sense of belonging.

Additionally, the platform encourages members to become active contributors by sharing their own stories, insights, and perspectives. This interactive approach fosters a sense of ownership and solidarity among members, creating a strong community that advocates for positive change.


ChanioLDBBW is a powerful platform that challenges societal norms, celebrates plus-sized beauty, and promotes body positivity. By promoting self-love, embracing diversity, and fostering inclusivity, ChanioLDBBW has successfully created a safe haven for individuals to connect, grow, and celebrate themselves as they are. With their unwavering dedication to breaking stereotypes and empowering individuals, ChanioLDBBW continues to make significant strides towards a more accepting and inclusive society. Let us all take inspiration from their work and strive to embrace body positivity in our own lives.



  中国农业科学院研究员 万方浩:我们叫它“生态杀手”,它危害一扩散之后,就整个的,无论是什么,(把)树丛灌丛形成一个覆盖层,覆盖层下面的所有植物就没有光合作用,就死掉了。



  中国热带农科院环境与植物保护研究所研究员 范志伟:薇甘菊的种子有冠毛,可以随风飘,在风力大的时候,可以飘到上百公里。用人工、机械防除,对它是无效的,只有通过化学防治,才能把它杀死。化学防治也需要喷两到三次药,才能把它灭除。


  中国环境科学研究院研究员 赵彩云:比如互花米草、紫茎泽兰、水葫芦、加拿大一枝黄花等等,这些耳熟能详的物种,都是属于外来入侵物种,主要的特征就是繁殖能力强,分布范围广,适应性也强。它的危害主要表现在对生态系统、生物多样性、经济生产还有人类健康都会造成危害。


  综合施治 防控生物入侵


  湖南农业大学生物科学技术学院副院长 杨华:外来入侵物种主要的三种(入侵)方式,一个是自然入侵,像(通过)风、水流等等;第二种方式是无意引入,我们经常要采购国外的粮食,像小麦,这个时候它可能杂带了有像黑麦草这样一些外来入侵物种,有时候我们一些信件、邮寄往来,一些包裹,也(可能)有这种引入;第三种方式是有意引进,像“加拿大一枝黄花”,当时是作为观赏植物引入的,但没想到它的生命力太强大了,繁殖能力太强。


  中国环境科学研究院研究员 赵彩云:了解哪些物种是入侵物种。对于每个公民来讲,我们也要预防自己成为外来入侵物种有意或者无意的携带者。比方说我们出国旅游的时候,网购的时候,我们心里也要想着我购买的这些物品,有没有可能成为外来入侵物种,尤其是不要为了满足自己猎奇的心理去购买一些“异宠”,买回来又把它随意放生到生态环境中,让它造成生态危害。


  中国环境科学研究院研究员 赵彩云:这些方法也是有利有弊的。比方说物理防控,它在入侵的初期面积比较小的时候,我们用可能是比较好的,否则费时费力,而且也费钱。对于化学防控来说,我们可能还要注意它的二次污染。




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